Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Say whaaaat..? (''.) #1

I've started noticing random, petty things that I do.. Haha.. Its somewhat interesting.. I feel like I'm doing a research on myself... And maybe it does help me understand myself better.. Or at least I think it does.. Haha...

Well.. Call me queer if you must, but I flip the pages of a book and smell the book before I decide as to whether I should buy the book... YES.. I smell the book.. Haha.. You see, from my experience of years of reading countless books, I discovered that books needs to have a certain scent to be interesting.. Nowadays, a lot of books smell empty, like they lack value.. I tend to avoid buying such books.. There are the occasional exceptions where certain books smell empty but have tremendous value, however, those are hard to come by.. So yes blog readers, I sniff books to decide whether they're worth buying.. (=

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